Overcoming Addiction & Smoking
The health benefits of becoming a non-smoker are ubiquitous, but it is one of the toughest addictions to overcome. The use of hypnosis for smoking cessation is highly effective because it works directly with the subconscious mind to override the cravings caused by nicotine. Other smoking cessation programs are expensive and often unsuccessful because they don't adequately address the physical, mental, and emotional issues associated with smoking.
That is where hypnosis has the advantage. It not only addresses the cravings, but it strengthens the willpower and tackles the mental challenge that comes with kicking the habit. At the Rocky Mountain Hypnotherapy Center, Board Certified Hypnotist, James Schwartz has received specialized training in smoking cessation methods which he has incorporated within his stop-smoking program.
Benefits of becoming a non-smoker:
Improved cardiac performance
Improved respiratory and circulatory functions
More energetic
Healthier & longer life
Lowered blood pressure
Increased blood-oxygen
Increased endurance