Personal Growth
Many people turn to hypnosis when they find themselves stuck in life, having a difficult time landing the right job or career, finding the right partner in relationships, needing assistance in releasing a negative person or relationship or even just generating enough motivation to move forward in life. Other people are looking to explore spiritual growth or work on issues like anger, fear or anxiety.
Hypnosis can be a valuable tool when working on personal growth. Hypnosis can often be used to identify and process blocks that prevent us from moving forward in life. When someone feels stuck in their career, is unhappy with personal relationships or is having difficulty in finding direction in their life, the use of hypnosis can often help uncover the events or beliefs that are holding them back.
Spiritual Growth
It isn't unusual for people to struggle on their spiritual path. The use of hypnosis won't tell anyone what they should do; however, it can often open doors in what becomes a path of discovery.
Many people struggle to move forward with their career or direction in life because they have experienced moments in the past where they have lost their confidence or self-esteem. When those "moments" are identified and closure or processing takes place, it can often give the client a sense of empowerment, clarify their true calling and help restore the passion.
Sometimes issues such as anger, control, motivation or worthiness can keep us from finding happiness in relationships. In many cases there are dysfunctional relationship patterns or dynamics that are being repeated. It can be very beneficial to gain insight into these patterns, disconnect from negative people and work on our own energy to change the people we attract into our lives.