Hypnosis to Promote Fertility
Specializing in infertility since 2003, James Schwartz wrote the book, The Mind-Body Fertility Connection, which was released worldwide in 2008 and has been endorsed by leaders in the fields of hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and Maya massage. Through his extensive work with infertility clients in Denver, Colorado, James developed and created the Mind-Body Fertility Connection® Method dedicated to helping women achieve a full-term pregnancy. While James personally sees clients for infertility, he has also trained other hypnotherapists in his methods to make the program available in other regions.
New insights regarding infertility have dramatically changed the approach to getting pregnant and trying to start a family. Several scientific studies now show that women have a much greater chance of conceiving if they participate in a mind-body healing program such as hypnosis. (See Chapter Two in The Mind-Body Fertility Connection for specific information about these studies.)
The main reason for this is that the biggest obstacle to conception and full-term pregnancy is stress. When a woman's body is stressed, it can create several conditions that can interfere with conception and being able to carry a baby full-term: poor follicular production, inability to ovulate, hormone imbalances, excessive cortisol production, insufficient blood flow to the uterus, stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and those are just a few. (See Chapter four in The Mind-Body Fertility Connection for specific information about physical conditions affecting fertility.)
Reducing stress can dramatically change these dynamics. In the Hypnosis to Promote Fertility program, reducing stress includes learning a personalized self-hypnosis program, but it also includes looking at the underlying issues. While day-to-day stress can be a factor, a much more significant detriment to fertility is the old unprocessed issues. For example, if a woman has a miscarriage, that very emotional and devastating event can plant a fearful seed in her mind. That fear is likely to simmer within her every time she thinks about having a baby, and that fear stresses her mind and body which, in turn, can block conception or full-term pregnancy. Therefore, one of the most important parts of the fertility journey is to clear out or process the old "stuff" that creates stress in the body. Hypnosis is probably the most efficient way to do this because hypnosis deals directly with the subconscious mind which holds all of our old fears, anxieties, memories, and beliefs.
Fears that might be blocks to conception:
physical/hormonal changes
medical treatments
loss of individuality
loss of self-esteem
fear of repeating dysfunctional patterns from childhood
fear the baby will threaten the relationship with the spouse
setting expectations too high / perfectionism
loss of independence
career ambiguity
doubting parenting ability
fear of failure
potential for miscarriage
feelings of inadequacy
Work with James Schwartz
You can come to Denver to work directly or do remote sessions from the comfort of your home.
With the release and success of James’ books about fertility, many clients have traveled to Denver to work with him. They found that the more intensive work they accomplished in several consecutive days, away from the interruptions at home, was very beneficial. They also enjoyed visiting the vibrant city of Denver—with much to see and do—and being so close to the Rocky Mountains that it was easy to schedule a side trip for skiing or hiking, or enjoying nature.
Clients who are not available to travel can contact the center and arrange to do their Hypnosis to Promote Fertility sessions, with James, via Skype.
All clients may be required to download our Medical Release Form. The purpose of the Medical Release Form is to inform a client's doctor or therapist that they are choosing to use hypnosis as a complementary modality to their healing or fertility work. This one-page form can be faxed to your doctor for a signature and then faxed back to you so it can be brought or emailed before your first session. This is an all-purpose form that can be used for any conditions you’d like to treat with hypnosis, including infertility.
Clients who are currently receiving acupuncture and would like to incorporate information from their Eastern medicine practitioner into their mind/body meditation should download the one-page acupuncture form and have it filled out by their acupuncturist. (Note: clients who do not have an acupuncturist can still incorporate this information into their mind/body meditation by scheduling acupuncture during their visit to Denver.) Again, this form can be faxed to and from the practitioner.
Both of these forms assure the Western medical doctors and acupuncturists that they remain the primary care providers and that hypnotherapy is being used as a complementary modality. It is important to note that hypnosis is not a substitute for traditional Western medicine. The work done in these sessions is considered complementary and not a replacement for allopathic treatment or the practice of Eastern medicine.